Trapezes and trust, living and letting go…
No one is Irredeemable
There is only communal salvation: collective liberation from that which creates hell on earth for all of us.
Beloved Community
In genuine, beloved community is the salvation of the world
Siding with Love
What does love really mean? And what does it mean to take a side?
We are building beloved community (Minister's Musings)
I see you out there living your lives with vulnerability and with courage.
The Radical MLK
Do you know the radical MLK who opposed not only racism but also materialism and militarism? …who argued for redistribution and revolution?
Charge to the Congregation
At the Installation service of Rev. Emily Wright-Magoon on Oct 15, 2016, Rev. Lora Brandis gave this Charge to the…
In Solidarity with Orlando and Pulse
Article published in the local paper in response to the 2016 shootings in Orlando
"Love the Hell out of the World" – Universalism Then & Now
LOVE is always available to us, LOVE is more powerful than we can imagine. LOVE tells us we all belong.
Standing on the Side of Love for Racial Justice
When we are rooted in love, we are moved to want justice for others because we do not see ourselves as separate. Love is a choice to see the connections.