In this service we centered black voices, in particular a powerful sermon by UU minister Rev. Karen Hutt.
"White Lies" Part 2 – Normal People
We are all normal people who can strive to live lives of integrity.
"White Lies" Part 1 – Facing Hard Truths with Integrity
For white America, the electric shock that finally led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act was the murder of a white Unitarian minister.
No one is Irredeemable
There is only communal salvation: collective liberation from that which creates hell on earth for all of us.
Forgiveness & Justice
What hurts in our world need to be listened to longer before the call to forgive and reconcile?
Siding with Love
What does love really mean? And what does it mean to take a side?
On healing toxic masculinity, and creating the beloved community.
We are building beloved community (Minister's Musings)
I see you out there living your lives with vulnerability and with courage.
"Stumbling Forward" – A Report from General Assembly
Good News for Unitarian Universalism: Wrestling with the reality of white supremacy.
Rev. Emily’s Opening Words for our service honoring Juneteenth.
"For the Long Haul"
Three reframings of our work for justice.
Rev. Emily’s Introduction to our Teach-In “Work-ship”
Reflections on the Jan 21st Demonstration in Midland, TX and the inseparability of the religious/spiritual and the political.
"Witnessing at Standing Rock: Making the Invisible Visible"
History and reflections on a witness. What does it mean to be an ally? Can this change what we see and how we respond?
Post-Election Sermon: "Reality, Grief, Hope"
Accept the realities before us. Lean into what we feel in response. Move into hope and action. Repeat.
Charge to the Congregation
At the Installation service of Rev. Emily Wright-Magoon on Oct 15, 2016, Rev. Lora Brandis gave this Charge to the…
Healing the Heart of Democracy Part 4 of 5: Personal Voice and Agency
Much depends on our Speaking Out and Acting Up. And we don’t do it alone.
Breaking the Gender Binary: Both/And People in an Either/Or Culture
Science confirms that even with sex and gender, it’s not either/or. How gender norms limit us, and how to respond to critics of gender neutral bathrooms.
Reclaiming Mothers Day
Did you know the original origins of Mothers Day go back to a Unitarian feminist? The personal is political.
Standing on the Side of Love for Racial Justice
When we are rooted in love, we are moved to want justice for others because we do not see ourselves as separate. Love is a choice to see the connections.