the gifts of the present moment, the power of nondual thinking, the experience of grief, the challenge to pay attention

Our Spiritual DNA
How a new understanding of a 450-year-old Edict of religious tolerance helps us understand our unique gift to the world.

Sabbath as Whole-Heartedness
The poet David Whyte tells of a mentor advising him that “the antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest, but wholeheartedness.”

Prophecy: Casting a Vision for the Future
The prophetic spirit uses the gifts of judgment and hope to cast visions that can shift us into a different way of living.

"Waiting for the Not-Yet-Here"
How can you leave the window unlocked for “the holy thief” so that something new can be born in your life? The spiritual messages of the Christian season of Advent.

"I Call That Mind Free" – Unitarianism Then & Now
If our process of reformation isn’t to leave us with nothing, we must rigorously ask ourselves – what is at the heart of our belief and how do we gain the strength to live it out in the world?

Christmas Eve Sermon
Let’s look at the Christmas story, again, with new eyes. The Gospels were stories about peace through peace – or even more radical: peace through justice.