Some thoughts on “safety” “community” & “diversity”
beloved community
Beloved Community
In genuine, beloved community is the salvation of the world
On healing toxic masculinity, and creating the beloved community.
We are building beloved community (Minister's Musings)
I see you out there living your lives with vulnerability and with courage.
"Stumbling Forward" – A Report from General Assembly
Good News for Unitarian Universalism: Wrestling with the reality of white supremacy.
"Getting In Sync"
Inspired by the story of the Olympic rowing team of 1936
Indra's Jeweled Net
Sometimes the interdependent web feels like a trap, sometimes like a tangle, but ultimately it is our reality, our support, our life with one another and the world.
Healing the Heart of Democracy Part 5 of 5: Cultivating Beloved Community
The 2016 Presidential election has exposed deep questions about the period of massive social change in which we live. How do we build the Beloved Community?
Breaking the Gender Binary: Both/And People in an Either/Or Culture
Science confirms that even with sex and gender, it’s not either/or. How gender norms limit us, and how to respond to critics of gender neutral bathrooms.
Dr. King's Challenge to The White Liberal
I am a white liberal. And I am racist. I work hard to be anti-racist.