Humility is not being a doormat. How do we cultivate true humility?
The Sacred Role of the Trickster
The trickster reminds us that we can shape-shift when needed, that our creativity is often more powerful than our control, and that new possibilities bloom at our borders.
Siding with Love
What does love really mean? And what does it mean to take a side?
Our Spiritual DNA
How a new understanding of a 450-year-old Edict of religious tolerance helps us understand our unique gift to the world.
Winter Solstice Reflection
What gifts does the darkness have?
On healing toxic masculinity, and creating the beloved community.
Getting Serious about the UU Faith
How does our faith make a difference in the world?
Faith Is Not Belief
Faith is a concept relevant even to atheists. What does a mature faith look like?
We are building beloved community (Minister's Musings)
I see you out there living your lives with vulnerability and with courage.
Hospitality & Covenant
Paradoxically, in order to be truly welcoming and loving, we have to have boundaries.
Ultimacy & Intimacy
We all need belonging and meaning-making. We create it in “small circles” and “quiet processes.”
"Ningún ser humano es ilegal"
A spiritual and ethical approach to immigration issues that goes deeper than the concept of hospitality.
Beauty is not a luxury. We are carried, called, resurrected by beauty.
Sabbath as Whole-Heartedness
The poet David Whyte tells of a mentor advising him that “the antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest, but wholeheartedness.”
"Stumbling Forward" – A Report from General Assembly
Good News for Unitarian Universalism: Wrestling with the reality of white supremacy.
Rev. Emily’s Opening Words for our service honoring Juneteenth.
"Getting In Sync"
Inspired by the story of the Olympic rowing team of 1936
Indra's Jeweled Net
Sometimes the interdependent web feels like a trap, sometimes like a tangle, but ultimately it is our reality, our support, our life with one another and the world.
"For the Long Haul"
Three reframings of our work for justice.
Rev. Emily’s Introduction to our Teach-In “Work-ship”