Part 1 of a 3-part series on Unitarian Universalism and the Crises of Life
"The Kingdom of Ordinary Time" – The Sacred in the Mundane
Let’s not divorce the spiritual from the mundane – from the very human parts of being in this world. Fully inhabiting ordinary time can transform us, moment by moment.
Our Mission and Vision
Some thoughts on “safety” “community” & “diversity”
Remembering Stonewall and Working for PRIDE
Let’s not forget the LGBTQ movement was galvanized by the contributions of the most marginalized among us.
"When I Joined a UU Church" – The Power of Covenant
What does it mean to be a covenantal church, not a creedal church?
"When Your Church Disappoints You"
We get to true, transformative community by moving together through the broken places.
"Strings Attached" – Stewarding our Institutions
We are wound and bound together. The isolated self is a fiction.
"The god of dirt" – the nondual theology of Mary Oliver
the gifts of the present moment, the power of nondual thinking, the experience of grief, the challenge to pay attention
Opening to Pain
Opening to pain helps our broken but open hearts become more tender – more able to let everything in.
Providing Sanctuary for One Another
Welcoming one another in all our differences, not necessarily because we can find similarities.
"Hope in the Dark"
A better understanding of how change works helps us cultivate an active hope.
No one is Irredeemable
There is only communal salvation: collective liberation from that which creates hell on earth for all of us.
Forgiveness & Justice
What hurts in our world need to be listened to longer before the call to forgive and reconcile?
Spiritual Bypassing
Using spiritual beliefs and tools (often about light, positivity, love, harmony, etc) to avoid and repress psychological needs.
The good news is that the body – source of wisdom, place of deep practice, crucible of interconnection – is always with us. And the body – your body – is good.
The Rosetta Stone: Unity & Diversity
The Rosetta Stone offers a powerful message as well as warning about unity and diversity, power and change.
A Theology of "Spirit" for UUs
Among such a diverse group, what can be said about the UU theology of Spirit?
Beloved Community
In genuine, beloved community is the salvation of the world
Exodus: Breaking Out of Our Ruts
If we do not have an anchor to God, or to meaning, or to Love… we come into a time of change, or hardship, and we start to wonder if we are unfit, if we are loved, if life is ultimately meaningless.
Transformation: The Good Friday / Easter Story
Transformation happens in and through community.