
 “Thresholds” – Rev. Emily Wright-Magoon | June 14, 2020

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There is something dying in our society, in our culture, and there’s something dying in us individually. And what is dying is the willingness to be in denial. And that is extraordinary. The willingness to be in denial is dying in a meaningful number of us, the tipping point. It’s always been happening, and when it happens in enough of us, in a short enough period of time, at the same time, then you have a tipping point, and the culture begins to shift. And then what I feel like people are at now is, ‘No, no, bring it on. I have to face it; we have to face it. 

 – Rev. angel Kyodo williams


What in us needs to open and shift, die and wait in order for us to fully embrace this new chapter as a congregation?

What in us needs to open and shift, die and wait in order for us to – as Arundhati Roy said in our reading – create from this pandemic “a portal” – a portal into a world where interdependence is always seen and valued, not taken for granted or squandered?

What in us needs to open and shift, die and wait, in order for us to finally, finally fully reckon with our country’s legacy of brutality and racism?

So, too, in your own life, in your own personal thresholds, what in you needs to open and shift, die and wait, in order to cross the threshold ready for the new?