Prayer of Gratitude and Surrender

Rev. Emily Wright-Magoon
April 2, 2017
extemporaneous prayer

Now I invite you into a time of prayer, meditation, or reflection – a time in which you can listen to my voice and let it move you, or translate my words into your own words that give you meaning, solace, or reflection.
Spirit that goes by many names and is beyond naming…
We begin with gratitude for the gift of life
for the blessing of waking up this morning,
even if we woke in a place of sorrow or despair or numbness.
For yet we do have blood in our veins and breath in our lungs.
We have the promise of the next moment moving before us with all of its possibility of transformation.
May we be able to surrender to that moment, to grace, to the gifts of community, even when community challenges us.
To the power of the sacred as we understand it.
To the cycles of nature and time
May we be able to surrender to each of these, letting go of our own power and feeling held in the midst of something greater.
We remember all of those in our community and beyond this morning who are wrestling with grief, loss, sorrow, addiction, unemployment, difficulty putting food on the table, estrangement from family…
…All those in our world who are living with war and poverty and scarcity
May we always be moved – our hands and our hearts and our spirits – to be of help in the ways we each feel called to do.
We also celebrate all those joys that are among us today, for in celebrating the joys – giving ourselves over and surrendering to that joy – we can more fully be alive.
And we are in gratitude for the gift of rain, soaking the soils, promising nourishment and renewal
And we are also aware that sometimes there is too much rain, just as sometimes in our lives there is too much.
May we be able to hold all of this because there is a Love greater than us that holds us.
Now I invite you into a time of silence for your own prayers and reflections.